Friday 21 September 2012

Second Year

Within the first 3 hours of being back at college on Monday the 10th we had already gotten a design project, a sewing project and a photography project then on the Wednesday we got our knit brief!! So much work and just too little time!!

The design project basically consists of choosing a theme and narrowing that theme down to a specific category, for example, my one is buses! I will collage, photograph and draw shapes and designs on my croquis and design 8 looks for A/W '13. (More of an update to come along soon)

The sewing project is an "items in my wardrobe" brief where we take a pair of pants, a blouse and a skirt from our wardrobe and photograph it, draw it technically, list all the details like how to and how not to take care of it, where it comes from and what fabric/s it is made from. We also have to measure the items and draw out and identify the patterns within it.

Our photography project involves us researching 7 words given to us and to take pictures that would describe that word. Or like to show someone the picture and them to know instantly what it is meant to be or represent. Though this brief was going to be easier than it actually is!!

Our final brief, which is our knit brief is to design a pattern to be punched on a punchcard and create it on the knitting machine. We also have to research jacquard, fair isle and use the research we collected from last years pattern project that we did!

Sorry for this being a short post! Thought it was needed. More updates to follow in the next few days, along with photographs.